Give to Help us Feed Families

Our Honduras Team will partner with The Good Samaritan Baptist Mission, September 21-28, to minister in the local churches, schools, and food centers in the remote parts of the country.

YOU can partner with us by giving. Items we will pass out through churches and schools:
  • Food Bags -  Food bags are $10 per bag. One food bag provides groceries for  a large family. 
  • Soccer Balls - Soccer balls are $5. 
  • Jump Ropes - $5. 
  • School Supplies - $10. 

Fund Raisers


All donations can be sent to Good Samaritan Baptist Mission . Be sure you designate that the payment is for the Lighthouse Bible Church Mission Team.

You can donate one of three ways: 

  • Send a check or money order to PO Box 430, Villa Rica, GA 30180
  • Pay online at
  • Contact the Good Samaritan Mission office to pay over the phone.
    Donations are tax free through Good Samaritan’s 501c3. They accept check and debit/credit cards - Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.